Tag: social media






Do it. We only send these out occasionally, and it’s solid marketing intel

Social Media Calendar Template 2019: Free for Download | عارضة تقويم الوسائط الاجتماعية لعام 2019 ‏

لكل شيء أوانه
ولكل ما هو اجتماعي، الآن هو الأوان!

قم بتنزيل تقويم محتوى الوسائط الاجتماعية لعام 2019 للعلامات التجارية في دبي والإمارات العربية المتحدة!

لماذا يتوجّب عليك استخدام تقويم المحتوى؟

عندما يتم التخطيط لوسائل التواصل الاجتماعي وتجري الجدولة مع تقويم المحتوى، تكون النتيجة المحتوى الجيد الذي أخذ قسطته من الوقت، وبالتالي يكون من السهل استيعابه من قبل المتابعين والمعجبين.

يساعدك تقويم المحتوى على تحديد محتواك الخاص، كيفية استقطاب موارده وتنسيقاته المختلفة، بالإضافة إلى التواريخ والأوقات المحددة التي تنوي النشر حينها على كل من Instagram، Facebook، Twitter و LinkedIn.


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Should a start-up invest in branding right at the start of their journey?

If you’re a start-up that’s just received seed or VC funding, this may include a certain allocation for marketing expenses, which means that obviously, you should allocate some of that towards branding, right?

Well, it really depends on what your idea of branding is. While it could be important for a start-up, it may not be the most important thing — at least not in terms of how it’s usually defined. It depends, really, on where you are in your start-up journey.
What is branding, anyway?
Typically, branding is associated with logos, typography, colour palettes… those nice-to-look-at bits.

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The 3 Ads we Love Most this Ramadan 2019

As Ramadan draws to a close, we thought now’s the time to look at the three ads that have stood out the most this month.

As part of our blog series on marketing during the Holy Month of Ramadan, we showed you how to effectively incorporate the ‘spirit of Ramadan’ in your brand’s offering and then also looked at those ads worth following, and others better forgotten.

Now, let’s look at the three ads we loved most this Ramadan!

1. TATA Motors on the right path


This ad was a winner for a number of reasons:

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Ramadan 2019 Marketing Campaigns: The Best Ads to Follow + The Worst to Forgive

In this post, we look at some admirable examples of Ramadan ads that you can consider following. And then we also look at the more regrettable ones, and what specifically made them fail.

As part of our Ramadan Marketing series, in ‘Ramadan Reboot’, we showed you how to effectively incorporate the ‘spirit of Ramadan’ in your offering and to differentiate your Ramadan marketing strategy, while staying away from boring, typical approaches.

In this post, we look at the best and the worst of marketing during the Holy Month.

Let’s start with the top 3 Ramadan marketing fails.

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3 Trends to Elevate Your Email Marketing Strategy

If you’re anything like us, one of your daily rituals would have to be checking your email or voicemail before your feet hit the ground. Of course, it may sometimes be your Facebook newsfeed that takes priority, but everyone, be it a stay-at-home parent or a Fortune 500 executive, is sure to stay updated on their emails.

Not surprisingly, the statistics tell the same story. A study by Radicati shows that in 2017, we had 2.7 billion email users worldwide, with that number set to grow to a sizeable 3.1 billion in 2020.

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The rise of virtual influencers (and what this means for the future of influencer marketing)

Having grown up in the era of CGI-driven sci-fi and fantastic wizarding worlds, it is hardly surprising that the millennial generation is our most creative yet. 

In fact, in a matter of decades, if not years, most of our favourite TV shows and movies have been reduced to mere childish visions of today’s reality – from humanoids and flying cars to artificial intelligence and virtual reality.

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Dubai’s Kiki Challenge: The Top 5 Rules when doing Social Media in the UAE

Social media challenges have ranged from the fun to the near-fatal. The Kiki challenge was probably both. And here lies the Kiki challenge for UAE content producers: How do you put out trendy content while staying within the confines of the law?

Social media challenges have ranged from the charitable and fun – the ALS Ice Bucket challenge – to the potentially fatal – think Tide Pod challenge.

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